Email marketing to inspire loyalty

Adventurous shopping has waned during the pandemic and customers are more committed than ever to the familiar. This shift requires an updated approach to marketing where acquisition of new customers comes in second to retention and loyalty from existing ones.

  • Did you know it can cost up to 16x more to acquire a new customer than retain a current one?

  • And that small businesses report that more than half, and as much as 68%, of business comes from repeat customers.

Retention is fostered by many moving pieces, but overall it comes down to one goal – to increase engagement and deepen customer loyalty to your brand.

Email is your most powerful marketing tool and one of the best ways to strengthen the relationship with your existing customers. 

Here are four easy ways to use email to keep your customers coming back.

Create an automated email program

Automated emails are messages scheduled and sent in direct response to your customers' interests and actions

Segment your list

List segmentation has an incredible effect on overall email marketing engagement and keeps your lists healthy, wealthy, and wise. 

It's a marathon, not a sprint

While your customers might not be buying right now, they are always researching, listening, and considering future needs.

Gone is not forever

You worry when repeat business or subscriptions take a dive, but the better you handle your customers' choice, the more likely they are to come back.


Traditional advertising is still worth every penny


Marketing that Stands Out