Marketing that Stands Out

The average person is estimated to receive between 6,000 and 10,000 advertisements every day. That’s right, six to ten THOUSAND

It’s no wonder it takes us at least 7 times to even notice an ad.

Breaking through the clutter is a matter of do or close for a business. There are hundreds of tried and proven ways to grab the consumers attention, but as we become more comfortable with this overload of messaging and rapidly evolving marketing vehicles, innovative and creative ways are needed to engage your consumer and grow your business. 

Consider these new ways to stand out...

Make your brand an experience. By using apps, touch screens, in-store kiosks, etc. your brand becomes part of the consumer’s life, not just another thing to try and remember.

Make sure your brand is represented digitally. Branding used to be as simple as a good logo, tag-line, color scheme. But today there is more to consider like Chatbots, Voice and Robotic customer service

Be concise in your messaging. With the rise of social media, people communicate much more succinctly – your offering must be easy to understand in less than three sentences.

Test on a deeper level. If you can afford it, test your consumers reactions to more than the brand and the ads themselves. What leads them to the purchase? What is their mindset prior and post purchase? Is your product needed or wanted? This allows the shopping journey to be either efficient and productive or fun and entertaining.

And finally, consider the form. Younger generations are quick to judge while elders complain about ads being too quick. Millennials are more likely to respond to music and wild editing.  Videos are powerful when helpful but are rejected when superfluous. Overall, don't skimp on detail and execution but make sure it’s communicated properly for your target.


Email marketing to inspire loyalty


2021 Digital Marketing Trends