Top 7 Social Media Tips


1.       Cost-effective marketing

A little goes a long way with social media. Social media can reach tens, hundreds (!) of thousands of people for a whole lot less than what you might spend on a billboard. Our clients see measurable success in putting dollars towards sponsored ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat while targeting the right people they want to reach.


2.       Aim big 

…. Speaking of all those hundreds of thousands of people your business has the potential to reach, it’s also a diverse group of people. That opens the door to reaching an endless combination of targeted characteristics. Make the most out of demographic-targeting capabilities and zero in on specific groups with specific sponsored content.


3.       But not TOO big

A common trap with the capabilities offered by social media platforms in terms of targeting demographics by age, gender, location, or even what their favorite movie candy is, can sometimes be a pitfall if you overdo it. The overwhelming number of options can make it tempting to use every single feature offered; however, your pool of actual people reached can become so small that your advertising dollars will be wasted.


4.       Know your voice

Defining your brand or business with its own individuality in aesthetic, voice, and content matter is vital to connecting with your followers in a genuine way.


5.       Expand your social horizons

Don’t limit yourself to what you know. In fact, sticking with what you know is a surefire way to fall behind in the social media world. Facebook may be comfortable, but you’re missing out on whole other worlds of people on LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and more. Do your research on what social media platform your customers or desired audience are most likely to use and start dabbling in it. The more you experiment, the more well-versed you’ll be across ALL platforms.


6.       Observe, report, & revise

Pay attention to the type of conversions get the most engagement from your customers. Do they send messages? Are they going to your website? Are you getting more calls? Whatever your most successful call to action is, observe that and turn it into strategy in your forthcoming content. Not only will you continue to see engagement grow, but you’ll also gather a lot of valuable data on what type of engagement is most relevant to your specific customers.


7.       Cultivate relationships

Getting to know who your customer is translates to how you create content for them. Just like any other relationship, the relationship on social media between you and your followers takes effort to make it meaningful. Customers are much more inclined to pay attention to information from a brand or business they trust and have a relationship with.


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